About Us

Solar energy is the best solution for the lighting of your sign. Not only is it eco-friendly, but it is cheaper as well. Running a power line out to your sign can cost thousands, not to mention the cost of re-landscaping and the difficulties in getting the various permits and permissions. Once installed, there are zero operating costs. That means no recurring power bill. Cultivate your "green" image with sustainable power, and long-lasting yet low consumption LEDs.

Our system was designed with ease of use and installation in mind. Incredibly easy to assemble, afterwards the kit is virtually maintenance free. The only maintenance you will need to perform is a monthly cleaning of the solar panel. You can even install everything yourself, without the need to hire a contractor. Solar Sign Solutions had the DIY installer in mind when designing these kits.

Solar Sign Solutions is a division of Sequoia Brands, a company dedicated to providing unique products and solutions to the everyday user. Sequoia Brands has over 10 years in offering truly DIY products that are simple to install.